You went to college and still unemployed?
It ain’t no job now, it ain’t gone be one later, unless you create one. Things are not the same. Less and less people are getting jobs after college. Less and less people are getting jobs in their field after college.
More and more people are struggling and making less even with a bachelors degree, a master degree, or more education. I would say your best bet is to be a doctor if you have a desire to attend college, even then there are issues for minorities getting residencies and employment.
College is unnecessary. Learn a skill or some type of trade. College is all a business to make shareholders and board members wealthy. They sell hope just like churches. Your best bet is to start all over.
Lose Everything
If you got to lose everything — your house, clothes, shoes, furniture — so be it. Don’t hold on. Don’t force life. Don’t force survival. You shouldn’t have to. You went to college to have a better chance at life.
Humans have a natural instinct to survive. Don’t stress out about material things you don’t have the money for. Live in your car. Live off the bare minimum (i.e., food, water, air, and sunlight). You do not need a house. You do not need clothes. You do not need to shower every day. You do not need more than the basics to survive / sustain life.
Stop applying for jobs you will never get.
You have to understand the technology landscape we live in today. Jobs have been outsourced for years. Now jobs are being taken by AI and robots. Most jobs are in the private sector, which means individuals — not the government controls and makes decisions in the best interest of the business.
Nobody starts a business to help your pockets.
The goal is and always has been to make the owner rich and if that means less human capital and using technology than that’s what they do. The Henry Ford model no longer applies to today’s world. Every employee had a car when Ford first opened. Now assembly line workers are lucky if they have bus fare.