There’s nothing wrong with being ugly. You’re a 5 dating a 10. I don’t know why it’s hard for people to be honest. You’re being honest about yourself being a 5. What if your man said to you, You’re not a 5, you’re a 10, when you know you are a 5?? You’d probably not believe him and that he’s lying to make you feel good. People have to stop apologizing for what things are. If you find someone ugly no need to apologize. Everybody is not cute, fine, or beautiful. Everybody does not have light skin. I’m dark — I’m okay with that. Own your ugliness. You don’t have to be fine. People act like ugly is a disease and walk around with their head down. That’s the irritating part — the low confidence.. I called a ugly and he got upset. What you want me to lie to you to preserve your little feelings?? People need to hear the truth and stop apologizing for that truth. Ugly people can still win if they have confidence. You take that away from them by apologizing. They need to hear the truth and build thick skin.