Brandi NoBarExam West
2 min readDec 16, 2020


Yes it is normal not to love your parents. What is love? Why do you ask is it okay not to love your parents? Why do you need validation for not living your parents?Anything that is forced upon you by others and society is probably not good and made up.

Love is a made up concept in order to control humans.

Children are taught to obey, honor, worship, and love their parents. This has nothing to do with love. It has all to do with training humans to be civilized, obedient, compliant in the country they reside in. The way children are brought up is emasculating. It’s like stripping humans from their natural tendencies. So yes it is okay not to love your parents. What did they do? Have sex and now you are here to work and repeat everything they did and the people before them. That is not worthy of praise.

Children are programmed to “love” their parents. If children were not programmed to love their parent less people would be inclined to have children. What if every child hated their parents, didn’t listen, and blurted out “I hate you” to their parents everyday instead of I love you? Parents would be depressed and encouraging other people not to have children.

People have children for their own benefit.

People want a child to “love” them. Whatever that means. In reality children are only programmed to love their parents. People don’t have to feel an obligation to love my parents because they gave them life.

We live in a cult herd mentality civilization. There is zero independent thinking. You are born into a template based world. Anybody who thinks differently than the herd is called out, published, ridiculed. So most people go along with everything in order to not be ousted.

Reddit Post,

“I see people every day saying how much they love their parents and I just don’t understand it. I didn’t have a bad childhood, they always took pretty good care of me but now I am 22 years old and I’m just ice cold in my relationship towards them. I can go months without talking to them and not feel anything. The only reason I answer their texts and calls is to be nice I guess. I’m annoyed by it though.

I got two sisters and they love my parents. Why am I not feeling that almost obligated love that everyone else feels? Is there something wrong with me? Does anyone else feel like this? I am kind of scared that I’m some kind of psychopath or something.”

Parents don’t unequivocally and unconditionally love their children.

When you don’t worship your parents they throw you out of the house. Some people can’t even tell their parents they are gay, bisexual, or lesbians. I believe there is a greater duty for a parent to love their children not the other way around. Parents took action in order to create their children. Throwing them into existence. Parents are just people. There are people who are great parents. They should be loved or appreciated at most. Most parents are not great parents at all.



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