There More To Life Than Sex
Why does everyone have sex? Why do people think other people are interested in sex? Well, I’m not.
I get disgusted when a man brings up sex. Sex never cross my mind. I’m celibate. It’s interesting how sex is always on the mind of men.
I was having a discussion with a man who I consider an associate. I have known him for the last 8 years. He asked me for sex. I’ve declined his request numerous times in the past.
Why do men ask for sex? Although I’m celibate, men asking for sex is such a turn off. I know another man who has never asked me for sex. He has never flirted with me. I find that attractive and would consider giving him some over the dude that asked for sex. It’s just something about a man that plays it cool. I like a man that can have conversations and never bring up sex or anything sexual.
So back to the man that asked me for sex. He moved to another state and asked to come visit. I said sure. I don’t allow random men to come to my home and I don’t go to men homes. However, I’ve known him for years and we’ve been over each other houses in the past. So men I’ve known may get a pass to visit. But now I see that is a bad idea because the only thing on his mind is sex. He says, “so you gone give me some of that pussy when I come out there?”
I was just shocked he asked me that and immediately turned off. I didn’t even answer. I was confused why he asked me that. I have told him I’m celibate. And I certainly won’t be breaking my celibacy with him or any just because they want sex. I don’t want sex. Why should I break my celibacy because some man wants to have sex.
I’m not interested in having sex. I don’t get this hookup minded culture that we live in. I don’t believe in sex for fun. Like what is that. Do people pay around bored and think to themselves well let me go have sex with someone. I don’t spend my time having sex and never will. I may have in the past. But people change. People need to respect your growth.
There’s so much more to life than sex. I don’t want to be offered sex. Let’s go do something positive and constructive. No one ever says let’s help the needy, let’s give back, let’s start a business, let’s start a charity. Men are only interested in helping themselves through sex.