Member-only story
Samuel LeBlanc Donated $45,005 To George Floyd GoFund
People only give during death or tragedy
Okay Samuel I see you baller! In 2nd place is with a donation of $35,000. The highest donation amount a few days ago was $10,000.
Who are these big time donation givers? Why are they compelled to give so much money? Well maybe it’s only a lot of money to my broke ass.
How can I have an extra $45,000 in my bank account?
Help people when they still living. Although you may feel sad about this situation, please note that things will never change in this world.
I have never donated to a dead mans GoFundMe. Because I don’t care. I’m not emotional. Emotions compel people to give. Some stories be fake in the media, but people be so emotional they want to do something. Money will never solve this particular problem or the underlying issues. You know why?
This money is going end up right back into the oppressors hands in their legal systems in court fees, airplane tickets, counseling and more.
These people claiming to be George Floyd’s cousins don’t look sad or hurt. Their voices do not sound sincere at all. I ain’t seen nobody shed a tear yet.
Over $10 million dollars has been raised within a week. Imagine if people came together like this just because and not because somebody died.