Member-only story
“PwC chairman: How Corporate America can stop failing black workers and diversify its ranks”
No corporate America don’t need to diversify y’all ranks. Y’all can go y’all way and we going our way. We don’t need your little token black symbols. We gone do our own thang. Y’all scared y’all gone lose all y’all power? We don’t want no integration or inclusion! Continue to hire only white people. We building our own shit, which is what y’all really scared of. I see right through this little PwC article.
Also a lot of times, news articles are mainly for marketing purposes. This news article about PwC wanting to diversity it’s ranks is subtle marketing. The average person will just think PwC is some great company that wants to help black people. No! Not buying it. They just want to be relevant. Everybody trying to capitalize right now off of this shooting. What better way than to pretend you are for black people. Diversity won’t solve our problems. How can a white man solve black people problems!??
I would prefer not to be integrated into white culture. I don’t find anything I like about white culture. It’s boring to me. I don’t like the music, food, nightlife, entertainment, or clothing. Whenever I worked with white people I was always bored and felt uncomfortable. When I’m around black people like myself I have a better time.
Malcolm X said,
“Forcing integration doesn’t work.”