Member-only story
It’s more likely that you will be a loser in life. It doesn’t matter what career field you choose or don’t choose. For every 1 success story there are 1 million unsuccess stories. The success stories are intended for you to keep trying. Keep going. Stay optimistic. After all with hard work, this could be you. Chances are, it WON’T be you. What if people living in poverty based the decision to have children on the likelihood of their child becoming successful? Chances are if you live in poverty your children become poverty stricken adults. You see and hear stories about people from poverty backgrounds who “made it” here and there. But it’s not on a wide scale. Elites like Tyler Perry, Oprah, Michelle Obama, Lebron James — are just selling hope. Because they need poor people like you to produce poor laborers to serve them do they can stay elite. They don’t want to come back to the poverty. They don’t say anything negative about the system. They know the consequences about speaking the truth. People look up to the elites like they are Gods. They’re not. They are just helping to maintain social control of the masses. If people were honest with themselves they would not have children.