Member-only story
I’ve been banned from Quora
Look what they said
All shit, I love when this happens
This just means I don’t need to use your stanking ass platform. Too many platforms today like to control speech, what you say, and what you don’t say. I don’t care about being blocked or disabled on any of these media platforms. This gives me back more of my time. Y’all can follow their rules and be controlled. I’m not!
People think we have Freedom of Speech. Bullshit!
In all honesty, social media is a waste of time. I’ve been banned from Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and LinkedIn. I don’t see the need or purpose to be on platforms where your communication is controlled. I need to spend my time on the bar exam preparation. Although I think they should stop the bar exam requirement, but that’s another story.
I think we should open and free communication, but that’s not going to happen unless you are face to face with a person — that’s the only time you can say what you want.
The media is controlled by corporations who’s sole mission is to make money. I don’t think people realize this. Social media is not about connecting people or the world. As soon as you say or post something controversial or something somebody is “offended” by your account is banned. I refuse to fit in or…