I’m never having children.
I would never want anyone to have to live in this world. You’ll be forced to work, pay bills, and be dictated and brainwashed. There is no freedom. Life is prison. What’s the difference between prison and not being in prison? Nothing at all. I don’t see how anyone can have kids. Life is a horrible experience. I don’t enjoy being here at all. I am not having sex with no man to create another human being. There is no point to live. I will never understand someone’s mindset or motivation to have children. I don’t believe in procreation. I don’t care how cute some baby is. I never had any desire to have children. Babies are the next slaves and worker bees. I am so tired. I would never make someone else go through this world. Do people ever think that maybe that child doesn’t even want to be born!?? It is selfish to have. children. You can’t have children for the child’s sake. I get absolutely nothing from being brought into this world. Everyday I wish I was never born. I don’t understand why anyone would lay down, have sex, and get pregnant. Why!?? Life is hell and feels like PRISON!! I don’t enjoy ANYTHING about life!! The brainwashing doesn’t work on me. I don’t believe in marriage or procreation. I don’t want no man touching me!! I don’t want to kiss nobody or have sex with no nasty man.