I feel you. Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites are a distraction and waste of time. If you have goals in like you haven’t met yet, you should probably delete your accounts.
When I was in law school, I deleted Facebook and Instagram.
I have no life — still don’t. Lol, but I graduated from law school.
That’s just me.
Some law students could still have the social sites . Some with social media accounts were dismissed.
I started Facebook and Instagram after graduating from law school. Due to violating the community standards (nudity, partial nudity, suicide attempts, etc.) my accounts were disabled. However, I realize the platforms are no good, so I don’t care.
Technology Manipulation
People think Instagram and Facebook is about connecting people. There sole goal is to make money. People become addicted to receiving attention.
Women can make a lil money here and there from men. Depending on the woman and the type of guys that pay for services Instagram can be her full time job or a side hustle.
You have to be self-disciplined
Put your goals first not being entertained. When I was in law school I even used to leave my phone in the car when I came home from class to get shit done. People would ask why not just put it in another room? I tried that and I would go get it. With it being in the car I was not going outside to go get it.
Humans are programmed and