I don’t have any children. I don’t want the responsibility.
I decided I don’t want any children. The responsibility of having a child is one of the reasons I don’t want children. Children are a lot of responsibility — even more of a responsibility if you want to produce a productive human being with good values and morals. You have to put your life and goals on hold when you have a child.
Raising children in modern society like America is a full-time job. I am the last child of my mother’s 6 children. I saw my mother struggle with parenting financially, mentally, and emotionally all my life from childhood through adulthood. Then my sister who is 2 years older than me had children, but she neglected them financially and emotionally because she was young and still wanted to live her life.
I know I wouldn’t be a good parent because I don’t want to take care of a child. The unwillingness to be responsible for a child can ruin them in the long run. And ruin the parent mentally. That’s why you see so many adults broken who had fathers that left. Men don’t even want the responsibility to take care of children.
Since you already have a child build a support system when you need a break to help you get through the tough times. I don’t think you are doing anything wrong. If anything — you are doing everything right, taking care of your daughter and taking the proper action to not have any more. It’s natural to hate parenting.
I already foresee I would hate being a parent. If you are without children and believe you will hate being a parent — well don’t have children if you already know you don’t want the responsibility. It’s a lot..