Member-only story
Blacks Don’t Get Upset When Killed By Other Blacks
Black on black murder
This George Floyd video is the last straw for me
I inadvertently saw the video. However, the thumbnail of the video with a black man under a white man knee was would make anyone curious and click on the video. The video was definitely edited in such a way to:
- Make people click play and
- Watch it from start to end.
Smell like click bait to me.
I’m learning what to pay attention to and what to ignore after this. I don’t even think this shit is real. I believe it was a staged event.
I no longer watch TV. I don’t own a TV. The same shit on TV that come on the news still makes it way to social media because people don’t think before they post something. They post based on their emotions.
Black people don’t even realize that the news is targeting your emotions. And the white people that are speaking up don’t care. They are just using this time to make themselves look good and look politically correct. The white people didn’t grow a conscious overnight or grow one because of the George Floyd video.
Again, black people are fooled and wrapped around white peoples fingers. I see the agenda plain and clear. Why other black people don’t is beyond me. I don’t care about George Floyd or the next black man killed my a white police officer that the media wants to blow out…