Member-only story
Do white people kill each other for Jordans and Cartier Sunglasses?
In the black community, black people kill each other over Jordan shoes and Cartier sunglasses. Do white people kill each other over shoes and sunglasses? That’s all I asked and my account was disabled on Quora.
There was a question that asked what types of questions gets you blocked on Quora. These are the type of question you cannot ask on Quora. Anything dealing with racial issues or politics.
However, I still want to know because I cannot do research to find out. This information is not discussed.
I find this important because people think it’s safe in the suburbs and dangerous in the black community because of what the media portrays. I don’t think it’s safe anywhere. Anything can pop off anywhere.
I never seen them report on the news white man shot to death for his jordans or Cartier sunglasses. It’s always a black man in the ghetto killing somebody for jordans and these glasses. Why is that?
If you know the answer feel free to respond.