CPI Security Losing Contracts After Being Accused od Racism

Brandi NoBarExam West
2 min readJun 9, 2020

As a human being everybody has an opinion about world issues. You shouldn’t be punished for your opinion or perspective on something like world issues. This is how change occurs through discussion.

Some people don’t say anything because they fear they may lose their job, loss of future opportunities. People should be able to speak out and their comments should not be attributed to the company they work for.

But that’s the unfortunate works we live in. Where’s the freedom of speech? The CEO of CPI security sent the following email below and it was construed as racist. So then many businesses made announcements that they were canceling security contracts with CPI Security.

Charlotte Stories

People are reaching with this racism stuff going on. If you concluded racism from this one email, you’re reaching. Maybe after seeing the whole email thread racism can be concluded, but not from this one lil email. Racism is not liking people because they are that race and treating them different. The more broad racism is defined, the more people can accuse others of being racist in an effort to publicly call them out. Today we have white people calling white people racist to make themselves look good and the other guy look bad — not solely because they are truly racist.

